What is Kiwi Fruit ?

What is Kiwi Fruit ?

   This fruit is very small, and it is only about three inches long. It is not heavy and it weighs a mere four ounces. It has a brown outside skin that is fuzzy, and it has a green creamy inside that is sweet yet tangy. This fruit can be compared to the taste of strawberries, melons, and bananas, yet it has its own type of flavor and does not taste like any other fruit.

  Kiwi fruit is low in calories, low in fat, and has no cholesterol. It has fiber and it also has some natural sugars which give it its great taste.

  You can get 273% of your daily recommended value of vitamin C just from one kiwi fruit. You can also get a good amount of vitamin K, and also vitamin E. Minerals are found in high amounts in it as well.

  This fruit has a long history of being eaten in many other parts of the world. “Kiwi fruit” was actually called “Chinese gooseberry” before it was renamed by New Zealand exporters as renamed it. This fruit was original from China, and known as “Yang Tao”. This fruit was brought to New Zealand by missionaries, during the early 20th century.

  The name of this fruit comes from the word “kiwi” a brown flightless bird and is New Zealand’s national symbol. Other names for this fruit include: Macaque peach, macaque pear, sunny peach, wood berry, hairy bush fruit (use that a bbq for laughs).

  China considers this fruit to be its “National Fruit”. The world’s largest producers of kiwi fruit are Italy and New Zealand.

  New Zealand produces about 360 thousand metric tons per year.


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Kiwifruit Cultivars

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